The The Effectiveness of the Use of Podcasts Made with Artificial Intelligence in EFL for Primary School Students


  • Funda Altıntaş MEB Teacher



English lessons, podcasts, artificial intelligence, anxiety, language skills


In Turkiye, English is taught at primary level in public institutions for two hours a week. However, studies show that more than two hours per week are needed for natural learning of the language. Therefore, it is necessary to create an environment where students can practise English outside class. It is a well-known fact that technological tools and applications for effective language learning contribute to the second language learning processes of today's primary school students at the point of increasing interest and motivation in the classroom. In this study, additional materials prepared using AI tools were translated from text to audio using AI applications and content that students can access anytime, anywhere via eba or reliable chat applications. This allowed the students to improve their English listening and speaking skills while not being exposed to online video sharing and social media tools outside of the class. The research is an action research study.  The participants were 50, 2nd grade students from Binali Yıldırım Primary School in Tuzla District, Istanbul Province. Qualitative and quantitative tools were used together to collect data. Interviews with students and teachers and observations were used as qualitative data collection tools. Qualitative data showed that podcasts narrated with children's voices using artificial intelligence tools attracted students' attention, and their desire and motivation to listen and create podcasts increased throughout the study. SPSS analyses of quantitative data from pre- and post-tests administered at the beginning and end of the study were conducted and it was found that podcasts reduced students' classroom anxiety. The study findings show that podcasts can effectively improve students' listening and speaking skills and reduce English class anxiety. It is possible to use time- and energy-saving content prepared with artificial intelligence tools to enrich English lessons.






ISSN: 2980-2253